Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 73 of 365

I wanted to try a little light painting today and used my old baseball mitt and softball. The setup is the mitt on black fabric which extends as the background. The camera settings were 50mm (my 50mm prime), f/3.2 and shutter speed of 10 seconds. I turned off all the lights and while the shutter was open used a small flashlight to paint in some light. I stood about 3 feet away so the light was a bit more diffused from the distance. I think this technique will be useful in the future and want to definitely play around with it more. This was more of a test to see if I could just get it to work.

While sitting around today I had a chance to read some of the latest Rangefinder magazine and came across an article that I really enjoyed. The article was about Fred Skupenski, who does black and white abstracts. If you click on the magazine link the article can be downloaded as a .pdf. The full article is Fred Skupenski: Tracks by Peter Skinner. The article really spoke to's one of the pearls of wisdom (as noted in the article) ‘If you look at it long enough and the right way, it will tell how it wants to be photographed.’


Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

Thanks a bunch for the technique info wow wouldn't have thought of that - New to Me - Bit disappointed that you didn't allow your feminine side to show through in such delicate light, just for kisbear who will most likely love the Mitt and Glove.
Love the Effect

Unknown said...

Being further away actually makes the light source sharper, not more diffused - the larger the light source is relative to the subject the softer it is... a tiny light far away will produce a sharp shadow whereas a large light close up will produce softer light.

Michael said...

Well said/great info Jim. And Rob, I like this subdued light you ended up with and the sentimental mood it creates.

Mr. Salad Bowl said...

Thanks Jim...I stand corrected.

Debra said...

Really like this image and the mood it creates. Love the light.

Anonymous said...

Rob, when you say light painting, are you moving the light during the exposure? That's a technique I've never tried...

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful photo - so full of emotion.