Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 60 of 365

Today marks the start of my third month. Kind of crazy was a spur of the moment decision to do this project and I've stuck with it through two months. One of the big reasons has to be those of you that have taken the time to check out my photos and to leave comments. Thank's been a great help.

I really feel like I starting to understand some things that have stymied me in the past. One of those was the relationship of aperture and shutter speed. A lot of the light box work I've done has been to understand this relationship better. One thing has been to not believe what the camera is always telling you. I've also not had a single photo with a crooked horizon line since day 32. Woohoo!

Here are some numbers from February 1 - 28

Total # of photos = 1041
Avg per day = 37.18
Most on one day = 140 (Day 59)
Fewest on one day = 3 (Day 47)


My Vagabond Heart said...

What is it? The top of a decorative umbrella?

Anonymous said...

If you've conquered all of this in two months, think of what you'll have mastered by day 360?

Mr. Salad Bowl said...

It's a hanging lamp shaped kind of like a hot air balloon with a tassel that hangs from the bottom.