Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 98 of 365

Not the greatest shots but I wanted to show a little of how I look at things. Back on Day 85 I posted a photo of some California Poppies I took that I found in a Best Buy parking lot. Kim left a comment saying she would have never guessed that they weren't taken in a full field of them. So today I took 4 shots from different heights, starting at over 6 feet, and crouching down till I'm on my knees as close to one of the little flower as my camera would let me. These little flowers were found in a grassy median near my house. I'm standing near my car with other cars just across from me.


Michael said...
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Michael said...

Bah, sorry about the delete. I thought I was on my way to editing the comment, but that was too much to hope for I suppose. Anyways...

I liked how you expressed your vision with this entry Rob. It also shows just how important it is to take in a scene and not just immediately start shooting. One of my favorite tricks is to lay down in front of a puddle to get cool reflections. You obviously understand this dynamic (and like me, enjoy getting small heh). Cool series!

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

Some guys will stoop to anything to prove a point, and I love your dedication, my knees would never stand the strain. top descriptiveness.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictorial reminder to get down low. If the weather improves today, this is something I want to get out and practice today. Thanks, Rob.