Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 6 of 365

I've had three pieces of white foam poster boards out in the garage for a month now fully intending on making a light box according to the specs found in this article from StudioLighting.net. After work today I stopped at the nearby Target and bought a six pack of Fat Tire beer and came home and proceeded to build it. One beer later I had a homemade light box. Have three cheap work lights from Home Depot and find I need one more so off to the store tomorrow.

So I have a light box and lights. What to use as my baseline project? Ah...a pair of moccasins I wore as a kid...like almost 40 years ago. For any of you that may be reading this and thinking I have some kind of shoe fetish...not at all. I mean I do enjoy having a few pairs of John Fluevogs, which does make me much cooler than most, but not a shoe fetish...honest :)

I have several art projects of my wifes to photograph so the light box will come in real handy. Lighting has been a frustration for me so this photograph is my baseline and from here I hope to get better.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

and typical of kid shoes, one shoe is untied. i really really want to tie and arrange both sets of laces just so.

good job. a foto brought out the mom in me.

harumph!! =)
