Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 321 of 365

Day 321 of 365, originally uploaded by Rob Weiher.

Today I received my strobist kit so I practiced small to get comfortable with shooting off camera. I got the Strobist Starving Student (not really) SC1 Lighting Kit from Midwest Photo Exchange (http://www.mpex.com/browse.cfm/4,12314.html).

It comes with a Cactus Radio Slave set for shooting wireless and lots of other accessories. It was cheap and I figured it would work for getting my feet wet with flash photography. First off I discovered the Cactus Radio Slave kit is cheap for a reason as it doesn't fire 100% of the time...more like 50-60% of the time. At least out in my garage this was true. I've posted my setup shot as well. I put a small piece of cardboard with reflective tape on the opposite side of the little mannequin for some light bounce.

My camera settings were 50mm, ISO 100, 1/60 sec, f/5.6 with the flash at 1/8 power through umbrella.


Dan Perovich said...

Welcome to the wonder world of Strobist Rob! That is an excellent kit you got from MPEX. I can't wait to see how you're going to put it to good use. I'm sure you're going to be playing with it well past day 365.

Joey said...

Soon you'll be seeing the world in 2 exposures :D

Mr. Salad Bowl said...

Thanks guys :)