Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lily leaf in black & white

b&w leaf, originally uploaded by Rob Weiher.

While out today I was attracted to a young lily plant. What most attracted me was the lines and curves. I went with a black and white conversion because I felt it really brought out those lines and curves.

Thinking back on the benefits of doing the 365 last year the one thing that has been the most cool has been how I see the world now. My creative eye has become far more developed and it came as a surprise. I find myself looking at just about everything now in a different way...especially how light falls on objects.


Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

The top shot is like an alluring metallic sculpture, the second a creditable design but I kept getting drawn back to the reclining Nude or whatever it reminds me of above. Top One - ART. Second one - Design!

Suselek said...

I love the top image. It is overall dark, but with the rim light you see exactly as much of the shape as you need to. Very pleasing result.

Unknown said...

I love them both, but I agree with Ron and Iza, I think the top one is your winner here, it's stunning!