Sunday, October 24, 2010


Cachagua, originally uploaded by Rob Weiher.

I took this a while ago but thought of it after a failed attempt at photography today. I have not been taking photo walks lately but vowed that today rain or shine I would head out. was definitely a rain type of day but being originally from Washington State I know that rain won't hurt you, it'll just make you wet.

Drove to Santa Cruz, which I have never really explored, even though it's only 30 minutes or so up the road. Long story short...while I wasn't all the bothered by the rain and getting a little wet, well soaked, I couldn't really get any good photos. The wind off the ocean was whipping the rain in almost parallel so my lens kept getting wet. Oh well...I did get a good amount of walking in so it wasn't a complete lose.

Jessica...I did some Photoshop work to the pier telescopes. Not a lot but I think the tinting came from a combination of my white balance set to cloudy and a slight levels adjustment and a strong contrast curve adjustment.


Tafari said...

Breathtaking vista here! Great details & the black & white processing really give it a magical touch!

It's nice having an archive to fall back on when nothing else works.

Unknown said...

Another nice one. Love that tree on teh left as the focal point and then the vistas gradually melting off into the distance.

And however you did it, the color was pretty cool. Love the curves tool!