Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 21 of 365

There are a bunch of World War II era barracks still standing just off campus but most are fenced in awaiting demolition. There are a few not far from my office and I've wanted to incorporate them into a photo ever since starting the project. It was rainy most of the afternoon but had stopped by the time I got off work. Because of the clouds and the sun going down I didn't have much light so went with this old stairwell. Because of the light issue I had to up my ISO to 400 and even at f/3.5 my best shutter speed was in the teens. I used a trick I read on one of the photo blogs where you take a bunch of shots in succession in hopes that one will come out. Took 4 shots at 1/13 second and got one without any blur...nice little trick.

ISO 400, 18mm, f/3.5, 1/13 second

Nothing special about the photo but I was in a bit of a hurry. I may go back on a better day and explore a little more as I think I can find some use out of these old buildings. Who boots may thread on the same stairs that my dad did years ago when he went through basic training here.

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